Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2023

The Return to Blogspot👻

 Hello spooky people 

It’s a long long time ago that I have used my blog. In the last years it got more and more frustrating to use Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. They really have the nerv to fuck up social media more and more. The algorithms are nightmares for small artists and I’m not creating art to please a fucking algorithm! I created because it’s fun and because there are people who want to see cool art that gives them Inspiration and that enrich their lives! It really pisses me if how Instagram and Co. throw artist, photographer, musician, comic artist, animator, etc…under the bus. I guess they have completely forgotten that artist are one of the main reason why social media has become so huge and successful!

So because all of this is annoying and frustrating I thought I could try it again with this blog! I still will post stuff on Instagram, but I don’t want to be completely depending from it. I also want to post DIY-Videos on YouTube and there will be also be a Patreon page. Beside that I have a Ko-fi page and a mastodon account. I’m also planning to stream on twitch in the future and I’m also thinking about to start a discord server!

So i think it’s time to give blogs a little renaissance✨

With love and madness from the end of the world 

Miss Geisterhausen👻