Sonntag, 15. Oktober 2023

Blue Sky

 Hello Spooky people 👻

I now have a account on BlueSky!

My BlueSky account

 Thanks to the Artist MiyaSekaia   ( Her BlueSky  and her blog )for the Inviting Link❤️  it’s very similar to twitter. It definitely gives me early 2000s twitter vibes…you know back then before it was overrun by bots, trolls and nazis! Would be cool if it stays like that!

Scrolling through BlueSky I have seen artist discussing social media and how frustrated they are with the algorithms. They spoke about that their posts on Instagram almost didn’t get seen by their followers. This comes from people who have thousands of followers and their art is not been seen by their audience because of instagrams shitty algorithm. Some even thinking about quitting Instagrams! There is definitely a shift away from social media back to basics like blogging and newsletters, while searching for alternatives for Instagram & Co.

And I’m seriously at a point where I rather take the time to slowly write a blog post than to stress myself out to create a shitty reel just for the sake of ‘creating content’ to stay relevant!

I’m absolutely ready to cultivate slow blogging/posting because I’m done with all this stress!

So if you have BlueSky and like to follow me there it definitely would glad to see you there. If not that’s also okay if follow me here and/or Instagram. What ever flow’s you boat❤️

Stay spooky 

Miss Geisterhausen 👻